Before seeing the tests, remember that both mobiles have under the hood. Nexus 5 features a quad-core 32 bit processor Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 clocked at 2.3 GHz with 2 GB of RAM while the iPhone 5S is equipped with a dual-core processor Apple A7 64 bit 1.3 GHz with 1GB of RAM. Importantly, the resolution of the smartphone Google is 1920 x 1080 pixels 1136 x 640 pixels against iPhone 5S , which requires less processing in the calculation . Now that you have these items on hand, up to the test !
Comparative performance of Nexus 5 against the iPhone 5S
The first test relates to the starting time . The iPhone 5S will start in
21 seconds , 5 seconds is less than the Nexus 5. To open the game Temple Run 2 , it takes 5 seconds Apple phone against 10 for the Google phone. In terms of web browsing, the iPhone is faster than one second to display the page complètement.Les only two cases or smartphone apple does less well is on Spotify and Gmail applications. For the rest , the Nexus 5 it is tied or delay of a few seconds.
The test summary:
- IPhone 5S: 21 seconds
- Nexus 5: 5 seconds
- IPhone 5S: 5 seconds
- Nexus 5: 5 seconds
- IPhone 5S: 7 seconds
- Nexus 5: 1 second
Comparative performance of Nexus 5 against the iPhone 5S
The first test relates to the starting time . The iPhone 5S will start in
21 seconds , 5 seconds is less than the Nexus 5. To open the game Temple Run 2 , it takes 5 seconds Apple phone against 10 for the Google phone. In terms of web browsing, the iPhone is faster than one second to display the page complètement.Les only two cases or smartphone apple does less well is on Spotify and Gmail applications. For the rest , the Nexus 5 it is tied or delay of a few seconds.
The test summary:
- start-up
- IPhone 5S: 21 seconds
- Nexus 5: 5 seconds
- Opening of the game Temple Run 2
- IPhone 5S: 5 seconds
- Nexus 5: 5 seconds
- Speed of the web browser
- IPhone 5S: 7 seconds
- Nexus 5: 1 second
- IPhone 5S: 3 seconds
- Nexus 5: 1 second
- Google Maps
- IPhone 5S: 2 seconds
- Nexus 5: 0 seconds
- IPhone 5S: 1 second
- Nexus 5: 1 second
A difference rather light performance is also to be compared with the price of both devices. Nexus 5 is sold 350 euros against 630 euros for the iPhone 5S. What do you think of these tests and the results?
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